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DNA Sport


The DNA Sport genetic test examines various areas that impact training responsiveness as well as your sporting performance. These biological areas include “soft tissue remodeling, inflammation, blood flow and respiration, energy production and fuel metabolism”.

To achieve success as an athlete, you need to ensure a personalised a training strategy that “optimises your genetic potential, and secondly choosing the right lifestyle, nutrition and environmental interactions to optimally express your inherited genes”.

The DNA Sport from DNAlysis reports on the following:

  • structural integrity of soft tissues
  • inflammation & oxidative stress
  • blood flow & respiration
  • energy during exercise
  • fuel during exercise
  • caffeine metabolism
  • muscle and bone composition
  • aerobic capacity
  • power/strength potential

Knowing the specific variations in your genes can help to personalise a training programme to ensure that you benefit as much as possible from your training sessions by exploiting potential advantages. It will also help to identify any weaknesses that need to be improved on. Making appropriate choices for training and nutrition according to your genes can help prevent injury and optimise recovery.